Game'n Squads


Active member

Any one if at all, Intrested in Online Game'n as a team, and has BlackHawk Down and or Delta Force 2. Post here or go to

I play Black Hawk Down, Not df2 anymore LOL but my team does, and i also personaly play Americas Army, and Starcraft and soon to put Aces High Back on my Cmoputer. I am a gaming loser who loves these online games. I enjoy fair play and cheat/language free enviorment LOL. Well post or go to the site if intrested.



Thanks but today i just like F*#$&@ up my df2, and my comp will not install it. I donno what happend. :-( But my team will accept almost any one who agree's and follows our rules. But i run the BHD (Black Hawk Down) as the XO to the Team our CO is 4*General Wizard. I am 3*General Raven. But any who just stop by or post in our forums..
