Welcome to the International Military Forums
You can find updated forum rules here:
Additional rules in this category:
No more "Who's best" posts allowed until further notice.
(Who is/has the best SF/Army/Leader, who would win if Norway invades Sweden etc...)
History related posts like this are still allowed. (in the history category)
Please try to provide a source or a reference of some kind where appropriate.
Feel free to post or PM me your own suggestions to new rules.
You can find updated forum rules here:
Additional rules in this category:
No more "Who's best" posts allowed until further notice.
(Who is/has the best SF/Army/Leader, who would win if Norway invades Sweden etc...)
History related posts like this are still allowed. (in the history category)
Please try to provide a source or a reference of some kind where appropriate.
Feel free to post or PM me your own suggestions to new rules.