Favorite Part of being a military member


Active member
Mine is knowing that I am doing something where I can improve myself as a person, improve my career, hopefully help someone along the way, also I can provide a good life and example for my family, and finally but not least important how many people can say they serve their country each and everyday. Those are my reasons.
my favorite part of being a military member? It was when we ate together..in the dining facility...field kitchen..or against the tire of a truck with an MRE.

It wasn't the food so much..but I miss the companionship. And the stories seemed to go better when served along with the "Mystery Meat"!

I like that: It wasn't the food so much..but I miss the companionship. And the stories seemed to go better when served along with the "Mystery Meat"! Something I would have never thought of, but now that I do it is so true.
I enjoy the fact that all Marines everywhere (active, reserve, retired, or even dead) are my brothers and that regardless of age we will be there for one another.
drill. when you get it right with over a hundred people, they call present arms, and all you hear is a click.