F14 Sonic boom

GADefence said:
Swift&silent said:
First of all

Sorry about the Strip or Die thread.


I saw that movie before. I still don't think it's a supersonic fly. There's a reason it's not advised prosedure to do a supersonic fly by of a carrier (or anything else for that matter! The deck crew usually ends up dead.)

This is unusual...

supersonic fly bys dont kill any one. The pressure and sound wave may knock a person over board if they are not prepared for the noise or the wind, but it wont kill anyone.

where did you get this idea? :D
Mark Conley said:
This is unusual...

supersonic fly bys dont kill any one. The pressure and sound wave may knock a person over board if they are not prepared for the noise or the wind, but it wont kill anyone.

where did you get this idea? :D

I remember reading somewhere that the reason supersonic fly bys of carrier and air fields was prohibited since it usually ended up killing people near it. Guess I could be mistaken on that.
it might have said people went deaf or got knocked overboard, but it most likely couldn't have just up and killed them