By Paul Taylor BRUSSELS (Reuters) - After decades of punching above its weight in Europe, Britain's influence in the European Union is waning, even before we know whether a promised referendum on "Brexit" will go ahead. London's partners are keen to keep Britain in the 28-nation bloc, but not at any price.
UK should pull out of the EU, it costs UK mega millions a year to prop up other countries and gets bugger all out of it.
When there was a referendum years ago which put UK into the EU, only one person admitted he voted yes to join, the rest said a resounding NO. I still say the vote was fiddled.
I hope Cameron has the guts to hold another referendum.
UK's influence has been going down the tube since the end of WWII today they have very little credibility they have a lot of trouble accepting that , today the Big three are the U.S. China and Russia with India knocking on the door .:hide:
The United Kingdom may now be a second-rate power, but the London's unparalleled legacy as a global financial capital still underpins its pre-eminence.