NAUEN, Germany/ATHENS (Reuters) - The European Union's chief executive warned Greeks on Monday not to expect the euro zone to bow to leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' demands in a growing confrontation over Athens' debt crisis. Tsipras laid out plans on Sunday to dismantle Greece's "cruel" austerity program, ruled out any extension of its 240 billion euro international bailout, which runs out at the end of this month, and vowed to seek reparations from Germany for World War Two. British Prime Minister David Cameron chaired a special meeting with finance ministry and Bank of England officials on Monday to plan for a possible Greek exit from the euro zone, a Treasury source said. Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, who found scant support on a tour of European capitals last week for his plans to restructure Greece's debt, angered some euro zone partners by saying on Sunday the 19-nation single currency area would ultimately collapse if Greece were forced out.