DOJ: Don't blame Whitman for 9/11 speech (AP)

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AP - A former Environmental Protection Agency chief should not be held personally liable for telling residents near the World Trade Center site that the air was safe to breathe after the 2001 terrorist attack, a government lawyer argued Monday.

Accountability is not a Republican Trait.

The EPA's Office of the Inspector General said the agency did not have data and information to support statements made in the days after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks that the air was safe to breathe. The EPA's internal watchdog concluded that the agency, at the urging of White House officials, gave misleading assurances that there was no health risk from the dust in the air after the towers' collapse.

If the EPA and the White House were not sure about the Air Quality then the EPA and the White House should have said they are looking into the Safety of the Area.

President Clinton would have been Impeached for less.... far as I can tell, President Clinton was Impeached for less.
One of the many, many, lies told to New Yorkers about 9-11. And now all the rescue workers + area residents are coming down with lung cancer from all the asbestos that was blown in the air. I don't have the exact figures but apparently cancer and other heath problem rates have skyrocketed amongst those who were at the site after the attack.

Accountability? The Bush administration? They just rehired the super-incompetent Paul Wolfowitz for the 3rd time in a row. What does that tell you?