Does the world require the services of Homer Simpson


Sorry a very Stupid question ..............But who is Homer Simpson ? :shock:

Is he the one form the The Simpsons Cartoon ? :lol:

and what about him ?

heh, if homer was a world leader then we'd end up like springfield, all jacked up from his screwups. did anyone see the episode where that one asian guy came in to try and prove to everyone homer was an idiot and a no good slacker was in charge of the plant's safety? that's a perfect example of what would happen.
Flak88 said:
that wasnt an asian guy, u just htink he is because he was the bad guy in that episode
huh? don't read into anything i wrote. sounds to me like you're saying that because he was a bad guy he must be asian. but the way he was drawn that's how i interpreted him. please, if you had a better description of what ethnicity he was, feel free to point it out.
i remember that one. i dunno who that guy was, but he had that glasses pocket protector look that i see engineering students sporting.
what was the name of that episode? wasn't that guys name can't remember what his name was. anyone remember?
I don't recall the episode number or the episode name. Besides, I don't think they display neither of them except for the Halloween specials.
