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By Lanre Ola MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Bomb blasts killed at least 50 people in Maiduguri in Nigeria's northeast on Saturday in the worst attacks there since Islamist militants tried to seize the city in two major assaults earlier this year. There was no immediate claim for the bombings but they bore the hallmarks of the Islamist group Boko Haram, which has been waging a six-year insurgency to carve out an Islamic state in Africa's biggest economy. President Goodluck Jonathan, who is seeking re-election on March 28, has been heavily criticized for failing to crush the group. Around noon on Saturday, a tricycle rider detonated a bomb when they were prevented from entering a fish market on the Baga road in the west of Maiduguri, Mohammad Ajia, a trader at the market said after fleeing the scene.