Bloggin from Londonstan


Milforum's Bouncer
The link has been anonymoused for your protection...
Jamaal X from London has some of the most hate filled pages one could find on the internet. WTF is going on in Blighty is the question that fills my mind when reading this stuff. Is it really that bad over there? Have the authorities capitulated out of fear of reprisal? It looks as though the bombings have cowed the Home Office rather than hardened their resolve.

From Jamal...
"A Muslim is, by definition, a follower of Islam, and is therefore, by definition, “Islamic.” Therefore, if a Muslim who is considered too “Islamic” due to their love for peace, submission to the Will of Allah, and belief that Islam is the solution to the worlds problems, is then by definition considered “radical”, should we not all strive to be “radical Islamic Muslim’s”?"

"Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is." - Gandhi

He also runs other sites as well...

This rant is as good as it gets regarding a conspiracy of Israel controlling the US...

And here he is running his gob about turning British law into a more Islamic system of law...

And his idea of free speech...