the day,of days.On this day our sweedish colegue Doc.S was borned.With this ocasion i would like to congratulate him his 27 birthday,and to live another 27 and more :lol:
Thanx Marksmen and men for your greetings, well what happens today is not to sure, I got two bottle of wine and 8 Norrlands Guld (Bear) of my father and people are calling from all over the world to this "commandcenter" in sweden. I have seen my sister, and my mother and now I will turn my boots towards my mother/father in laws house because I dont know what they are up to but my wife have made me a hood so something is up :lol: Well the sweeds in my group of softairgun warriors (the Wolwerines) have I not heard from today so I guess it is something spooky going on. And yes one more thing, someone called me 03.00 hours and sang to me. I belive it was our gunner because he`s voice was to deap to be misstaken for grandpha. :lol: All drinks are on me (if it is happy hour). A bear to everyone that can take it!
I am strucked dumb over here.... Thanks all and most of all I thank mr Marksmen who is a very good friend of mine and one of the good young guys in this world >>> There is still hope for the future!
I would probably be hanged or something else over here in sweden if I was talking to people about things that I am talking about over here from my heart so I want to thank all good people on this forum for just being yourselfes and the great moderators on this Mil-Forum. It is a blessing only to read and take part of everything that happens on this great forum. I fall silent over here now so.... Thanks all! I only wish there were more people like you out there, that a now almost old guy could talk to but there is no one close enought for IRL discussions except for my wife then so Bless you all!