Best Military Technology

What country has the best military Tech?

  • Russia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • America

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Britain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Germany

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • France

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Isreal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thanks largely to the budget of the US, we do have the best tech. Not only that, but take the atom bomb for instance. Eienstein was not American, but we harvested his wealth of knowledge and provided for him an enviroment where he could make many critical advances, and because of this the US was the first with the atom bomb.

Well, Id have to say, in most areas the USA, in a few areas Israel, in very few areas, Russia, so my vote goes to the USA.
You guys are missing something. So much of warfare these days is related to information. Encryption, mobile networks, satelite linkups, etc. Who is spending all of the money they WOULD be spending on the military on these things? Japan. Just because they don't have the stuff fielded in numbers doesn't mean they aren't years ahead of us. Just take a look at the personal electronics japan has versus what is available in the west. The difference is amazing.
I say US..

Mostly because this was a technoolgy question.

But still.. I lean a little towards Russia.

But since this is a question about the techonolgy TODAY I can't vote that.

So yeah, US is the most leading bit on that part right now.
Apart from attack helicopters (Russia rules!) I have to say the US, if anything, for the extraordinary budget of the DoD. Additionally, they have opportunities to test their developments in the battlefield - sometimes I wonder if some wars are just test grounds - and that's the only way to generate reliable weapons. Never the military science advances as in a war, and the US have been (almost) constantly at war since the end of WWII.
I have lived in Japan. For four years. They may make a lot of technology but thier armed forces are limited due to WWII and the US making them have only a small defense force.Also the technology may be made but it doesnt meen it is kept many of the products are sent else where to buy Japan food and other things the Japanese do not have the room to do in Japan
Marksman said:
I think Russia and America are tide.

Why do you think that? Russia hasn't been a superpower for well over a decade and it's well known that they have nothing like the military budget they once had. They can't deploy or even maintain their fleet (once the 2nd most powerful navy in the world) 'cos they're so broke.

They just don't have the money and even back in the Cold War days most observers agreed that they were behind the West in both military R&D and application.

So it's definately the US and then take your pick from France, Germany, UK, Israel, Japan etc.
This is my first post so here goes.

I suppose the easiest way to define who has the best Best Military Technology is to see what country's spend and see what they produce as a percentage. Whats go or whats bad?
Sapper said:
Apart from attack helicopters (Russia rules!) I have to say the US, if anything, for the extraordinary budget of the DoD. Additionally, they have opportunities to test their developments in the battlefield - sometimes I wonder if some wars are just test grounds - and that's the only way to generate reliable weapons. Never the military science advances as in a war, and the US have been (almost) constantly at war since the end of WWII.

Look at attack Commanche, not a reconaissance mission.....
My vote goes definitely to the US of A, aircraft, helicopter, tank, designs.... big ETC...... are still in service after 20, 30, 40 years!
Some US designs cannot be overruned by other countries in 50 years!
look at the XB-70 Valkiry for example!
What's else there to say.................................
I think those who voted for some other countries, is pure nationalism.... nothing else.... ;)