One of my friends (Much Older than me) fought in the Korean War. He was in the Army and he was a Lieutenant. He told me that he met someone important
(didn't tell me who) and the guy told him
'If you are going to fight a war, Don't Ally with an American, They Disappear when the fighting starts,Don't bring the British, they get massacered, and Don't bring the canadians, they get forgotten.
The Two best are Australians and South Koreans. The only difference is that the South Koreans speak Better English, Mate!
(didn't tell me who) and the guy told him
'If you are going to fight a war, Don't Ally with an American, They Disappear when the fighting starts,Don't bring the British, they get massacered, and Don't bring the canadians, they get forgotten.
The Two best are Australians and South Koreans. The only difference is that the South Koreans speak Better English, Mate!