Attendance List


Forum Health Inspector
IT WAS EARLY MORNING at Fort Ord, Calif., and the first sergeant was calling out names for the daily work parties listed on a piece of paper: "Ames" "Here!" "Jenson" "Here!" "Jones" "Here!" "Magersky" "Here!" "Seeback" "Here!" -- "Seeback!" "Here!" -- "SEEBACK!!!" "Here!" -- At that point, someone whispered into the first sergeant's ear. He looked again at what the last name really said, quickly turned over the list and continued calling the names printed on the other side.

--Contributed to "Humor In Uniform" by Larry D. Wade

Provided Courtesy of Reader's Digest.


Editor's Note: I think what really happened is that there was no response when the 1st shirt/Top was calling out "Seeback"...that would make more sense.