Apology to RMC


Active member
It's been brought to my attention that some of the Cadets on the forum are offended by the term "bell ringer", I would to apologize and offer an explanation for my use of said term. I did not mean to appear to be disrespectful of RMC. My intent was to act towards RMC, and it's Cadets, in much the same way I would act towards any other Regiment, or members of other services. My use of the terms "Bell Ringers", was meant to be no different then referring to members of the Air Forces as "zoomies", the Navy as "squids", or, perhaps more to the point, members of the Royal Canadian Regiment as "chicken f*ckers". In short sir, what mockery I did make, was in the spirit of camaraderie and good fun. I apologize if I offended you any of the fine ladies and gentlemen attending RMC.
It's not so much <offended> as a lack of understanding of the term. We've been called many other things, so some of us could have put that in with the other insults.

BTW: This is twice that I've heard the RCR and poultry go together...would someone tell me what's going on with that? :? I've seen it before as part of the list of jokes <You know you've been in the Army too long when>, that I've posted in the Military Humour section a while ago.
It comes from other units makeing the connection that RCR = Run Chicken Run. Some how I've always heard it "bell ringers" seems my derogatory terms need to updated.
Well, thanks for the apology, I'm not really offended by it....I've never actually been called a bell-ringer before though, lol.
Started by other Jealous regiments... Mostly because we are so good looking I guess... Probably a VanDoo
Started by other Jealous regiments... Mostly because we are so good looking I guess... Probably a VanDoo