It tends to be alot of things of the same material when using the conveyor belt method. I am as pointed a classic Extraverted person, and even if I got some education I still think for myselfe and academics are in general over here if not liberal so very similar on a spooky way. Almost as if they are some kind of clones from a big plant of conveyor belt methods on mars.
They are supposed to learn how to analyse different situations but on the same time they seem not to analyse anything at all and only points at you and tell you that you are not thinking. Good argument for times when the wind caress their sails (peace times). But not all to good as arguments when they are proven to be wrong (War times). Often it is the small people that survives when the fat-lady sings.
They are the ones who think for themselves and makes more then one analysis every year, and their analysis is often not something taken from other academics. More like a gut feeling - and they are not playing after one set of rules. It is more like a - you Improvice, Addept and overcome- thingy. Nothing is as strong as the inherent contradictions of pure survival.
People that tends to put all their problems on the shoulders of the academics, media, politicians are the once that get hit worst I think when the moment of truth is there. People that thinks for themselves are often despited of others and get easily dismissed as uncomfortable people, untill they are proven not to be wrong. And that can take time but It always comes sooner or later.
When the academics are proven to be wrong - It always ends with a big disaster. And sometimes I wonder if they are not competing about who can stay on the wrong place the longest time? Almost as the media - How will be the first one to report from a disaster area - and who will be the last one to leave the disaster area. Allright competition is normaly a good thing but to a serten point. Then it all going to be a destructive behaviour. This is what I think is happening with our country.
Instead of walking forward and face the new world - this country is locking itselfe in and building a wall around itselfe called the EU. Instead of taking security issues and domestic problems as - crisis plan they are talking about national crisis plans when the same thing can happend over here any day now, if you look at Spain and terrorist attacks over there. Analysists are often academics and academics are not good at prioritize todays security problems over here.
I think it would be healthy if there was more Extraverted persons in the gov that could speak for the people and not for there own intrests of power then a bunch of analysist mummys with so called academic backgrounds. Simple people is often the ones that think longer then to there own pockets to be honest. They are thinking about security and not pointless political correct agendas first. Because they know who that will be the ones hardest hit by a disaster or a terrorist attack.
Useful idiots is something that Lenin talked about - Western Liberals who swallowed the Utopian lies of Communism whole and defended Russia's actions as mere misunderstandings. If no one belives me this was proven to be a living fact over here in sweden the autumn of 2004, when alot of the established so called non communistic left-wing was reviewed by the media.
There are people all over this place with power from the lowest levels to the highest level of power and in the school system that eventualy will reflect on everything as the media - education - generall oppinion and all that makes a country as anti-U.S as this one is at the moment. The answers is out there but not everyone notice or dont want to see it for themselfe what all this hate is comming from.