Annan: Iraq War 'Illegal' Without U.N. OK

Uh Oh. Boy I was not aware that the United States a sovergien nation needed the United Nations Approval to defend it's intrests.

Now Iam really really concerned about what the UN will do :shock: NOT!
No nation will let the UN decide the legality of a war.

Time for the UN to realize it's a mediation entity and not a world government.
The UN needs to come to terms with the fact that theydo not dictate the policies of any goverment.
They are an impotent force unable to successfully mediate most situations and have outlived whatever useful purpose they may have once served.
Show em the door.

what is the procedure to ally serveral U.N. sanctioned nation sto fight a war? Can any U.N. sanctioned countries fight other countries without U.N. acknowledgement?

The U.S. rallied serveral other nations to fight Iraq without U.N. 's ok. Is this ok or legal?

So, what is the point or purpose of U.N.?
Countries make themselves Allies thru treaty or history or common interest.The UN has nothing to do with it.
Contary to what the present Un security council and secertary general believe no sovergien nation needs their sanction or approval to take military action.
Any UN member nation has the right to determine it's own path and make it's own decisions so yes the present coalition is "legal".
The UN is incapable of handling the tasks given to them within the UN Charter and have proved to be imcompetent and corrupt. Time for the US to get out and show the UN the door.
Yes, I know the UN can be pretty hopeless at times but you will still need them over time in Iraq.

I hope the US doesn't shun the UN like it did the League of Nations between the wars. We have to keep our heads cool.
Why do we need them in Iraq? We have done the entire operation without the UN from day one. They wouldn't even enforce their own resolutions or the 1991 Gulf War Cease Fire Agreement that Iraq continually broke. The UN has failed completely to do anything about the genocide, rapes and slavery in Sudan. The UN is a complete failure that only serves to advance an anti Israel, anti US agenda.
The UN does a good job with humanitarian relief.

Don't let them near the infrastructure or government, but they're very good with field hospitals, ration distribution, water purification/irrigation, etc.
On that I will concede the point, they do the humanitarian mission well, but you are correct that we need to keep them well away from the structure of government.
Ah, but the great Kofi Annan is faultless, remember that. Those 800,000 Rwandan's were going to die anyway, he just sped up the process by doing nothing.
Seriously, the guys hopeless. Theres an expression I often use to describe him, but its inappropriate.