Animal....... mythilogical or real


Active member
What's your favorite animal???? I'm an animal freak so I don't stick to just one but if I had to pick I would say the snow tiger and ducks. In mythology, I like the unicorn or pegasus. They fascinate me. :D
I think most people know that my favorite animal is a dog...
In Mythology? Pegagus I'd say, dont know muich about mythology.
I am an only child and am always alone and bored. The only thing that could be my friend whenever I needed one, is an animal. Fish and small animals, are adorable, but not very interesting. I've never been very fond of cats. Horses are alot of work and are too big of a pet for me. I live in the Suburbs of California. But dogs, they do tricks, theyre adorable, a good choice for a best friend, and they are the most playful pets I know. Plus I got one a little after I joined the forum, Pepper. :D
Wow, you sure did go into detail!!! :) I think you're right though. Dogs are the best for a companion and they're cheap. I have a cat here in Minnesota that thinks he's a dog and acts like one. I also have a dog in Tennessee at my mom's house. He's a basset hound/golden retriever mix. His name's Thunder and he has a thing with empty pop bottles. He's cute. I'll have to show you pictures....
RecruitWalterUSMC said:
Wow, you sure did go into detail!!! :) I think you're right though. Dogs are the best for a companion and they're cheap. I have a cat here in Minnesota that thinks he's a dog and acts like one. I also have a dog in Tennessee at my mom's house. He's a basset hound/golden retriever mix. His name's Thunder and he has a thing with empty pop bottles. He's cute. I'll have to show you pictures....

:lol: haha, i know, i did say alot. I used to have a golden retriever, now a Westie. :)

So the female human is a animal?


Well I have multiple. I love dogs but currently I have a cat and have so for the past six years. Cats are not like dogs, they can like you one day and then pay no attention to you the next. Oh and as Jack Bryne said in "Meet the Parents" they don't stick their tail between their legs.
sorry jen, couldnt help myself lol. I have known some that are pretty wild...course I've known some that need put down as well lol. To vote for other than human's I'd go with a dog. They are protectors, friends, playmates, and just great all around companions.

jen, my apologies, didnt really mean it like it sounded. ;)
soldierzhonor said:
sorry jen, couldnt help myself lol. I have known some that are pretty wild...course I've known some that need put down as well lol. To vote for other than human's I'd go with a dog. They are protectors, friends, playmates, and just great all around companions.

jen, my apologies, didnt really mean it like it sounded. ;)

Apology accepted. And are you sure you are hanging with the right women? :shock: Because you might want to check out the coffee shops and the book stores.