Had the Me-262 reached production in 1942 the Allies would have had a jet to match it within 6 months if not sooner and they would have moved mountains to regain air superiority, the history of fighter development exhibited this tit for tat evolution from the beginning of air combat.
Even if the Me-262 gave Germany a 5 to 1 kill ratio it still would not have been enough as allied production of fighters was well beyond Germany's ability to build and replace its own fighter fleet.
For Example:
1943 Allies produced approximately 147,000 Aircraft to Germany's 24,000.
1944 Allies 163,000 Germany 40,000
1945 Allies 79,000 Germany 7500.
In terms of fighters Allies 164,000 vs 57,000.
Source:** Mark Harrison, The economics of World War II: six great powers in international comparison**
It was Stalin that said quantity has a quality of its own and Germany learned exactly how accurate that comment was, Germany produced probably the most technicologically advanced weapons on the planet for most of the war but the allies produced equipment in of similar quality in massive quantities and won the war.
It is that simple.
As with many wars between similarly armed nations it is logistics that win wars and Germany was incapable of manufacturing, maintaining and shifting enough equipment to even force a stalemate. This issue was further complicated by infighting between branches of the military, the vanity/egos of the nations leaders and the funding and supply of countless groups attempting to produce the next "Wunderwaffe".