Air Cadet Glider Pilot Rituals


Active member
Being on course for six weeks gets you to do some strange things. These are the following traditions:

Take a spoon from the mess at the end of course (I personally haven't done this)

Sleep in your flight suit the night before the MOT test with your E6B computer in your right leg pocket

Have smartie pancakes for breakfast the morning of the MOT test.

On a solo flight, loosen your straps, open the canopy and touch the pitot/static assembly
On a solo flight, loosen your straps, open the canopy and touch the pitot/static assembly

Last person in my wing that attempted that is paying to replace the canopy on a Blanik L 23 as the canopy is now in about 5 pieces after coming off and falling to the ground from around 3,000 ft AGL
OUch that's harsh mna. Yuo guys have Blaniks?! That's so awesome. What's the glide ratio for the L-23? We have the crappy schweizer 2-33A's with a glide ratio of 23:1. I still like those gliders though, I must say. They've been around for a while. O, by the way, how much does the canopy cost? O, one more thing, what kind of tow planes do you guys use? In Pacific region we only use the Cessna L-19 Birddogs (beautiful planes) In other regions they use the scouts, L-19s, winch and auto tow.
uhuh; when i was an air cadet in Comox(ITAC 2000sih), they used to dump ice down their flight suits after a successful flight
:lol: we use grob 109's with a glide ratio of 6:1. I guess its the damn motor. still, teaches good thermalling technique when you turn it off :D