ok, from the outset, im going to say that i will try my hardest to find credible sources for anything i reference ( CNN or something, and not 911wasamassiveconspiracy.com). i can't really say about the twin towers, but i am sure in my own mind that the pentagon was an inside job. right when it happened, as i was watching the coverage on television, it struck me that it looked more like a precision strike than an airline hit it. take a look at this photo at
http://www.osha.gov/as/opa/911/images/pentagon.jpg. it is a picture of the hole made by the "airplane." see how the roof is collapsed? if an airliner hit it, there SHOULD be a huge chunk crushed in by the impact of it, and corresponding damage caused by the tail. just by looking at it, you can see that before it collapse, and even after it did, the roof is pretty much "intact." in the foreground theres a HEMTT with a trailer, a generator, piles of lumber, etc. where's the crater? i suppose if the airliner was flying perfectly parallel to the ground, you could avoid it...but the people supposedly doing this act weren't well trained pilots, they just took a few classes. and to accomplish that, you'd have to pull off what it would be difficult for trained pilots to do, a high G pull to avoid hitting the ground altogether and hitting only the building. barely. also, take a look at that HEMTT. there is a few different models, but the longest they come is 33.4 feet. (source:
http://www.history.army.mil/books/www/265.htm ). the wingspan of a 757 is 124 ft, 10 inches (source:
http://www.boeing.com/commercial/757family/pf/pf_300tech.html) and while we are on the topic, where ARE those wings, anyhow? where's the damage? where's the airplane wreckage? i'll leave it to you to find what you would consider a credible picture of the holes in the twin towers, as i can't seem to find one that's from an impartial or 'credible' site. i'm sure when you see it you'll know if it's been messed with from your memory of the television coverage. the twin towers were 207 feet ( give or take) a side. so my estimate would be that the holes are somewhere in the area 3/4 of that, or about 155 feet. compare that with the pentagon. if you go to
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12818225/ and watch the "video" that the government released (it's not really video but a collection of still photos taken from a security camera at the pentagon) in the second still it show the projectile that struck the building. does that look large enough to be a Boeing 757? there are windows in the OSHA picture that arent even broken. i don't think even an uparmored humvee's window could take an airplane hitting right next to it and not break. everyone has seen video of the airliners hitting the twin towers, and the ensuing fireballs as the remaining fuel burned, shooting out of the buildings. added to that, if you go to youtube and search "9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says 2.3 TRILLION Mission from Pentagon" you'll find a video from CBS news showcasing, well, that on September 10th, 2001 2.3 trillion could not be accounted for from the pentagon. the next day something hit the pentagon...right where the accounting office is. odd. and if you try searching for this on CBS, CNN, Fox, etc, you'll find...nothing. not a word. anyhow, i've been working on this response for about an hour and a half, so i think i'll just leave it at that.