44% of Americans support limiting Muslim-Americans' rights

Duty Honor Country

Active member
this is bad.......real bad. How ignorant can us Americans get. This is the land of the free.

Poll: Nearly half of Americans for limiting Muslim-Americans' rights

ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) — Nearly half of all Americans believe the U.S. government should restrict the civil liberties of Muslim-Americans, according to a nationwide poll.
The survey conducted by Cornell University also found that Republicans and people who described themselves as highly religious were more apt to support curtailing Muslims' civil liberties than Democrats or people who are less religious.

Researchers also found that respondents who paid more attention to television news were more likely to fear terrorist attacks and support limiting the rights of Muslim-Americans.

"It's sad news. It's disturbing news. But it's not unpredictable," said Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society. "The nation is at war, even if it's not a traditional war. We just have to remain vigilant and continue to interface..."

I wouldn't pass judgment on Americans based on this article. There simply isn't enough information in it to prove their little "poll" was accurate. Besides, it's easy to manipulate polls.
Re: 44% of Americans support limiting Muslim-Americans' righ

that article said:
Cornell student researchers questioned 715 people in the nationwide telephone poll conducted this fall. The margin of error was 3.6 percentage points.

i would have to say that isn't nearly enough ppl to "poll" and have an accurate accout of how the country feels.

I wouldn't Question the Source of poll too Much ..............Just that they haven't given actual data on how much republicans or Democrats were Questioned or what age group etc etc.

Cornell student researchers questioned 715 people in the nationwide telephone poll conducted this fall. The margin of error was 3.6 percentage points.

715 are not enough people to ..............it would take a very good Pool planner to get a right mix of people that might represent the true voice of the country..............it is difficult .............i wouldn't say impossible .............they havent given actual figures about that people mix they used to poll (actual Specification)............neither they have given anything about what questions were asked ............

For example..... so what if people support registering muslims, DUH. They either have a passport, drivers licernse or Social Security card. ..........i think that registered :roll: ................media is obviously running out of things to report.................. so they're digging and sensationalizing...

The poll is on almost every news channel/paper/site right now.......... :shock:


Researchers also found that respondents who paid more attention to television news were more likely to fear terrorist attacks and support limiting the rights of Muslim Americans.

Yes that true most Americans are ignorant to the fact about islam and Muslims ..............the more that see turban wearing , gun carrying people on news more the fear and haterread will increase.

So much So ..........Look at the hate killings that started after the 9/11 so many Sikhs have been killed and they are not even Muslims .........people just don't know what muslim are .

and it's a bit shocking and Sad news ..................a secular counrty should remain secular nobody should be discrinimated acording to caste , color , creed or sex............People should not forget that ............it's the freedom that we all love so much and fighiting for............ and we should not look to curtail someone elses

Having said that when is the last time a Muslim organization came pulbic and said, we don't agree with what this particular group did today, or yesterday or the day before that....And Mr Osama is a Nut bag ....That wouldn't be politically feasible. :roll:


well from a statistical point of view you only need 1000 people for an acurate survey (over that you don't get much lessening of the magin of error)
I am not religious and am a Dem. and really do not care about cutting others rights, that is to say let them hve the rights.
Remember, figures don't lie but liars figure. One could say that if 9 out of 10 people who die of cancer :cry: have eaten or do eat bread then bread must cause cancer.
They'd have to do it over my dead body. The dearest friend I have or have _ever_ had is a former Soviet soldier from Tajikistan (now an independant country) and he's a Muslim. We became friends while working together in the civilian world. I have never met a kinder more thoughtful and generous person. He calls me "Brudka" which means "brother" and his daughter calls me "Tanta" or "uncle".

I agree with RndrSafe though that polls can be highly misleading. Still I have been with my buddy and had people make incredibly stupid statements about Muslims to him. They get a full dose of "Charge 7" when they do however. I identify myself, flash my retired ID card, and that usually ends the catcalling.