Team Infidel
Forum Spin Doctor
USA Today
March 21, 2008
Pg. 10
Pan-Arab Al-Jazeera TV broadcast what it described as excerpts from a new audiotape by Osama bin Laden in which the al-Qaeda leader decries Palestinian negotiations with Israel and urges holy war for the liberation of Palestine.
In the audio excerpts broadcast by the network based in Doha, Qatar, bin Laden purportedly says, "Palestine cannot be retaken by negotiations and dialogue, but with fire and iron." Bin Laden also calls on Palestinians who are unable to fight in the "land of al-Quds" — a Muslim reference to Jerusalem — to join the al-Qaeda fight and the jihad, or holy war, in Iraq.
The audiotape is the second purported message from bin Laden in two days. The first warned of retaliation for Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed.
Al-Jazeera did not say how it obtained the recording, which was broadcast with an old photo of bin Laden.
March 21, 2008
Pg. 10
Pan-Arab Al-Jazeera TV broadcast what it described as excerpts from a new audiotape by Osama bin Laden in which the al-Qaeda leader decries Palestinian negotiations with Israel and urges holy war for the liberation of Palestine.
In the audio excerpts broadcast by the network based in Doha, Qatar, bin Laden purportedly says, "Palestine cannot be retaken by negotiations and dialogue, but with fire and iron." Bin Laden also calls on Palestinians who are unable to fight in the "land of al-Quds" — a Muslim reference to Jerusalem — to join the al-Qaeda fight and the jihad, or holy war, in Iraq.
The audiotape is the second purported message from bin Laden in two days. The first warned of retaliation for Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed.
Al-Jazeera did not say how it obtained the recording, which was broadcast with an old photo of bin Laden.