WWIII Thread

I'm preparing my most elitest warriors in the world, Marines, to conquer unoccupied Alaska since TOG said no to me.

I think TOG works for the UN, and UN and I don't get along.
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I'm preparing my most elitest warriors in the world, Marines, to conquer unoccupied Alaska since TOG said no to me.

I think TOG works for the UN, and UN and I don't get along.

Okay. You, me, and Redneck all want Alaska. This is a problem...

MAP UPDATED (Redneck makes large land gains, Fox & TOG move toward Alaska)
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I'm moving in to take Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Lybia, and Tunisia.

And TOG, I'd like to talk to you in private, you too, TI.
It doesn't matter who you defeat and occupy, you'll be bred out of existence in a couple of hundred years. Sort of like the Mongols.
Perhaps strategic reach is our problem. We'll take eastern Siberia so we can ship over units and supplies from Japan for a short hop over the Bering Straight. Then we'll be set to take Alaska.
Okay. I think I'm going to use a bunch of hot naked men to patrol my borders..........
Even on borders along Ciberia? Those men have to be REALLY hot then... :mrgreen:
Or maybe further global warming is needed then. Otherwise hot men could turn in `cool men`...
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