Wooo getting my private pilots license this summer!


Active member
I've found out that I've been selected to take a course this summer to get my private pilots license. It's a 7 week course at 19 wing comox. I got my glider pilots license there last year. Basically, what it is, it's an $8000 scholarship thats awarded to certain selected cadets. This year 500 in the province applied and 30 got it. To appliy, we had to take a 4 month ground school course to study for the entrance exam, take the entrance exam, go through a review board and submit our school marks. Well, all I know is, I'm happy.
Congrats. I'm hoping to start flight school this summer. One of my friends is going to solo in a month or so. That lucky SOB.
Congrats, that great for you. Great opportunity. I'm planning on gitting my solo wings this summer, my friend is a instructor and owns planes here and there, so i'll get it cheap.

Congrats again, and good luck