When the time is here


Forum Resistance Leader
A short grouping of words I penned after work today.


One by one they scurry.
In the wake of the coming tide.
To fall under the water,
They sowed whilst so blind.

One one by the wise.
Shelter underground
As for what cannot be seen nor touched.
Crashes to the ground.

One by one the fountains.
Once filled with false tithing
Wain away quickly
Slowly draining dry.

One by one the masses.
Once swaying in the film of ignorance.
Now see the vale of empty
And swim in it's emptiness.

For one by one the children.
Told by those before.
That all they should desire.
Was limitless along the shore.

Now one by one the hungry.
So many now with so few.
Lie broken and dying.
Wondering about what they did not do.

All one by one the lights.
Once endless in everlasting glow.
Flicker in their final timing.
As despair falls down like snow.

And now we stand in longing.
For the smallest parcel of all our waste.
And see our looming exodus.
From a once conquered landscape.

Thus a curtain falls.
And balance re emerges.
Our end, a return to what once was in the beginning.