When you float stuff on ebay, could you announce it here?

A Can of Man

Je suis aware
I was wondering if it was appropriate to announce stuff I'm selling on ebay here incase someone's interested in buying such items.
I ask because I'm moving and I'm doing a house clearance, largely on ebay and some things might interest people here.
Well they can take this down if it's a problem but here are some things I'm selling:

Band of Brothers for $2.

Remote Sensing Data Book $30

Reno 911 1st season Currently $7

Goode's World Atlas, 20th edition $10

Steel My Soldiers' Hearts $4

Inside Al Qaeda $3

None of the prices are final as this is an auction.
If you don't have ebay or pay pal but still wish to buy, then you'll have to wait until the auctions are over and you'll have to pay by cheque through the mail.
I usually don't allow ads for commercial sites etc. in here, but I don't see any problems with small personal items like this.

It costs me quite a bit of time and money to run this site and forum, so I don't think it's right that others "steal" potential customers from me that MAY have bought something through the few ads I show on the site/forum..

But your eBay auctions aren't really competing with any of the advertisers I use, so I'm allowing you to post them here. :)
You should fix up a donate box in here. Open up a paypal acount or something.

Im sure a few people in here wouldnt mind chippin in to make this place a lil better ;)

that or a bunch of annoying ads :lol:
I have a PayPal account, but it's not so bad that I need donations.. ;)

I'm doing ok with the ads I have in here now, but I hope you don't think there's too many of them, or that they take too much space.. :?
what ads.. I dont see any... :?:


nevermind, its right there in the middle... not annoying at all
I dont even notice it, Dont let the sponsors hear that :lol: j/k
I saw something in the news about ebay being corrupt last night. DIdn't get to see the full story.
Redleg said:
I'm doing ok with the ads I have in here now, but I hope you don't think there's too many of them, or that they take too much space.. :?

No, no, it's fine. MUCH more usable than most sites I have to visit...