U.S. court overturns $156 million award in terror case (Reuters)

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Reuters - A Federal Appeals Court has overturned a $156 million judgment that had been awarded to the family of an American-born student killed in a 1996 attack in the West Bank.

Hamas is a tricky situation because it is an organization that has a very wide interpretation of political and even religious views.

For example:
Hamas is made up of both Sunnis and Shiites and even some Christians.
Some groups within Hamas want to destroy Israel entirely, others want a two state solution and peaceful co-existence.
Other Members want a strict Islamic Caliphate based on Sharia, others want a Islamic-flavored Republic (like the UAE and Bahrain).
Some members are Pacifists, others are Terrorist.
Hamas does a lot of public good (builds Hospitals, schools, etc) while others groups are suicide bombers.

So isn't always fair to blanket label Hamas a "terrorist organization". Some facets most definitely are, others are not. Its not al Qaeda or Islamic Jihad which have a single minded objective.

In this particular case it looks like the plantiffs were attacking the non-radical sectors of Hamas. That would be like sueing the Vermont Chapter of the Republican Party Girls Choir for the murder of Matthew Shepard (a gay killed by homophobes in the 90's) because the people involved also happened to belong to the Republican Party.

This all goes back to a fundimental problem of our Foreign policy, the GWOT, and why we are so hated in the world. We (Americans) tend to see things in Black and White, but the world isnt like that. Its made up of shades of gray. The failure to understand this IMHO has been one of the principal reasons behind the President's DISASTROUS Foreign policy.
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