Stupid/Bad things


Forum Resistance Leader
Hey I'm one to live life up, I'll do just about anything with so much cocky confidence that it's borderline dangerous. Lol, and trust me, there are ways you can behave like this without breaking any laws, or having to get hammered or shoot up or anything such.

Lol but even I know that even the saint of saints at some point in time have done a "What the f*** was I thinking?" act with a equal moment.

So milforum members, cut loose and share a said story, cause I have found that discussion of such stories can lead to some interesting conversations.

And no Im not on drugs or a criminal.:wink:
It's almost impossible to find yourself not in violation of one kind of law or another these days. If someone was really on your ass, they could have you prosecuted for just about anything.
This thread is an expamle of something stupid, I was high on life when I wrote this, now all I need are some valid responses so O wont look stupid