Stuck On Stupid


Active member
Has anyone seen this? Can it be possibly be true, I'm willing to give anyone a benefit of a doubt, surely no one is this foolish.

Ever wonder what the expression "stuck on stupid" meant?
Well here you are !

The grinning idiot is Cindy Sheehan... the one that is protesting the war at Bush's ranch, you know the one that lost her son in the war, the same son she gave up in her divorce when he was 7 years old
And by the way if you wonder why she has so much free time ... she is going through another divorce right now and guess what (?) .. she is giving up custody of another son.

everybody knows that shes using her son to get popular so she can sell her stupid book and make a profit...

shes a moron! and totally fake!

ohh ye and shes butt ugly too :/
Forrest_Gump said:
Even though I can't stand this "sorrow profiteer", this particular fact is incorrect.

You must excuse me now. Every time I see a picture of JJ I feel the desperate need to take a shower.

Thanks, I don't care for her views but I don't care for falsehoods either, regardless of who they are about. She has caused all her present problems herself.
Missileer said:
Thanks, I don't care for her views but I don't care for falsehoods either, regardless of who they are about. She has caused all her present problems herself.

Is the truth.