so,joinning the army at July

Oh in that case you're screwed.
Cut to the front of the shower line as best as you can. If you can get your hands on any wet tissues it'll be a godsend.
I went through basic training during the hottest summer the boot camp had seen in its history. Also as per our training, there wasn't quite enough drinking water to go around. Shower time was very limited and there wasn't enough water for shower either. Just about everyone got sick with something. It was simply a scale from sick to sicker.
Funny thing is, it's almost like they meant it that way because after boot camp and recovery, everything physical seemed quite easy.
I know that in the IDF there is a water regulation 1 liter per hour per soldier since the 50s,i hope they actually take care of that,althought that i think that boot camp is going to be heel on earth,but this is not summer school.
I have never slept through a contact.
All the training we do are designed to enable us to continue to be functioning soldiers nomatter how gonked? out we get.
If someone sleeps through a contact I´d suggest he better stay inside the wire.

Does that go for people who snore as well? Training can't change your subconscious.