Russia is incapable of producing new weapons ??


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The declining attraction of Russian weapons in the world military market has concerned the top military fan of Russia, president Medvedev.

When attending a national defence meeting, Medvedev said that Russia has invested a lot of money on modernation of military industry but little achievement can be seen since now. The fundamental reason of the inefficiency is the lack of technology upgrading. “Money are wasted in old equipment.”

The frequent quality problems of Russian weapons have jeopardized its reputation in world military market. The president warned that if the quality of weapons are left behind foreign countries, no strategy can save the life our soldiers. Minister of Industry Department of Russia said that only 10% Russian military companies have acquired international quality certification due to the quality problem.

Senior officials in Russian military has complained the produciton incapability of Russian military industry, saying that the army have to import weapons from foreign countries.
Yes I've heard of the Russian President saying such things and I'm sure the RUSSIA STRONG!!!!!!!!!111111111 crew will say he's just saying stuff to get more military hardware R&D funding.
I think it's hard to describe China in the simple choices that have been provided on the Chinese forum. Otherwise it's pretty interesting.
Russia isnt doing all that bad, but there is serious room for improvement.

Russia is selling all those AK-103's to Venezuela, India plan's to buy another few hundred T-90 MBT's and Russia also has the potential to be selling the new MiG-29OVT [Better known as MiG-35] to India aswell, but overall they suck.

EDIT: But I still think their small arms industry if bloody awesome.
Ive only handled an MP5 and an M1 Garand, but my opinion on Izmash and other firearm factories in Russia and the firearms they produce is based on a whole lot of opinions of people who have used the actual guns.

But of course, the Kalashnikovs are rather UNRELIABLE, am I right? Prone to jamming.
listen the only thing going for Russian guns is there reliability there price and mas production they have never been designed to be good guns they have only been made to equip the poor mans unsophisticated army on the cheap...
A gun is a gun - If it kills something it does its job.

I cant remember where I read that, but it makes sense. If I had to choose between a gun that can shoot something at longer range or a gun that still shoots like new if you buried it in sand and submerged it in muck for a day id choose the latter.

Though now the Russian guns arent that innacurate anymore.
yeah you cant talk about russian arms now, its been a while since they've had any reasonable investment in there arms industry, so it'll take a while to bring in a reasonable amount of capital and make it sustainable, but they're known for doing the best with the least amount, especially in tanks...give it a couple of years, theyve only recently increased military expenditure to something like a tenth of the US,