Reading the Declaration of Independence

Have you ever read the Declaration of Independence?

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I've not only read it many times, I've seen it more than once as well.

Just a side note: if you want to find out where Jefferson got much of what became the Declaration from, try reading some John Locke.

An excerpt:

Political power, derived as it is from the transfer of the power of individuals to enforce the law of nature, has with it the right to kill in the interest of preserving the rights of the citizens or otherwise supporting the public good. Despotic power, by contrast, implies the right to take the life, liberty, health and at least some of the property of any person subject to such a power.
Declaration of Independence - the title says it all.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.....
The above quote is the keystone of the greatest political experiment in the history of mankind. For over 200 years, the grand experiment continues to grow and be nurtured.

For those who value America and the ideals which we swore to defend, I highly recommend that the Constitution of the United States be placed at the top of your 'MUST READ' list.
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My textbooks always had the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Gettysburg Address, Emancipation Proclamation and Monroe Doctrine in the back in their entirity.
I'm pathetic -- four months in DC, and I still haven't hauled my sorry ass over to Archives. :oops: Thanks for reminding me.
I've read the entire document, important to remember though, the Declaration of Independence is not Law, the Declaration of Independence has nothing to do with Law, the US Constitution is Law, and the more important document.

The Declaration of Independence was a Treasonous action, although one I am quite happy with, but Treasonous just the same.
I've read the entire document, important to remember though, the Declaration of Independence is not Law, the Declaration of Independence has nothing to do with Law, the US Constitution is Law, and the more important document.

There is probably a large number of people in Congress who don't know that. I wouldn't be surprised if some have tried to add amendments to it.:shoothea:
There is probably a large number of people in Congress who don't know that. I wouldn't be surprised if some have tried to add amendments to it.:shoothea:

I can see quite a few Members of Congress wanting to add the words "Jesus Christ" to the main body of the Document, or perhaps just the word "Christian".
An Amendment stating that the United States of America is to be a "Christian Nation" would also be one that would be pushed if Amendments were allowed, in my opinion.
What I find rather interesting is that as of this post, only 13 of the posters in this poll have read the entire Declaration of Independence.
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What I find rather interesting is that as of this post, only 13 of the posters in this poll have read the entire Declaration of Independence.

Well Top, seeing how important the Declaration of Independence was to the entire modern world, I find it kinda sad.
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Regardless of the presumed importance to the entire world, I was speaking specifically within the context of our forum. I would have expected more military people or people at least having an interest in history to have read the document.