Quick links for all US Military Academys

Mark Conley

Active member
Good Day Young U.S. aspirants that wish to be officers:

From the numerous posts we get on the forum, there appears to be quite a few of you young people out there that want to go one of the military academys to learn to be an officer and a gentleperson (P.C. man i dislike it)

To help you on you way to an academy life, here are some sites that are must reads:

For the basics on the three main military academys (Navy, Army, and Air Force)


for the number of eligible slots to these three academys, and the number that can be nominated:


The Coast Guard Academy is an Academic entry academy only (no nominations needed but you had better be bright!)


Believe it or not, one of the most overlooked academys is the merchant marine academy. its four years, and you have an engineering degree. You must be nominated by a senator or a representative: they don't take military nomination like the other academys.



Consult that first chart carefully. I never knew that the Vice President could nominate a person to the Academys.

And as they say...the earlier you start this process, the better.

Good Luck young aspirants. Hope to salute you in the near future....
Thank You mark for putting up this page with the links, this helps soo much, im going to be a junior next year so im looking for a person to give me nomination, thank you.
start early and dont forget about the merchant marine academy i will look forward to saluting you first (and getting my dollar please) when you make it through... :D
do u need a recomendation from a senator or someone to get into the merchant marine academy?
do u become an officer in the merchant marine academy, and is it as good of a program as the USNA or USMA?
webs said:
do u become an officer in the merchant marine academy?
I believe so.
As for your question regarding the senator situation, I think you have to write to the one in your disctrict. I think you should go with your district representative, judging by the links above.
Also each senator or congressman has a limited number of recommendations he can write so write early to him or her. However they may always give your application to another senator to write. That is what I heard through the grapevine.
Other military academies in the United States (private):
Norwich University
The Citadel
Virginia Military institute
Valley Forge
Virginia Tech
SUNY Maritime Academy
Texas A&M

I maybe forgetting some.
does it have to be a senitor or can it be a representitive?? i believe i read that 1800 are accepted to the USNA every year... :shock: . I just sent in my preliminary registration about a week ago, and am looking into going to the summer seminar.

IF i dont get in :( I can still be in the Navy ROTC at a college and become a Marine, right??
SMPRfidlis said:
IF i dont get in :( I can still be in the Navy ROTC at a college and become a Marine, right??
Yes, you can (a number of my Navy ROTC classmates were Marines-to-be), but I'm not sure how competitive the process is to become a Marine via Navy ROTC.
I am just starting Marine Option NROTC and the scholarships are very competitve. Be active in the battilion and max that PT test, those are the big things they are looking for. I do not have any scholarships yet but am currently working on it.