The Obscure Word Thread

Yerkish (n) -- an artificial language using geometric forms to represent words that was created for communication between chimpanzees and humans
cogent \KOH-juhnt\, adjective:
Having the power to compel conviction; appealing to the mind or to reason; convincing.
Pleonasm: sort of the opposite of an oxymoron, the adj or adv agrees with the noun. eg. Wet Water (what else could water be?) Tautology: a pleonasm whose terms are joined by a copula. eg. At the center is the middle.
phyl·lo·pod n. Any of various branchiopod crustaceans having swimming and respiratory appendages that resemble leaves.
adj. also phyl·lop·o·dous (fĭ-lŏp'ə-dəs)
Of or relating to the phyllopods.
captious \KAP-shuhs\, adjective:
1. Marked by a disposition to find fault or raise objections.
2. Calculated to entrap or confuse, as in an argument.
arbitrage \AR-buh-trahzh\, noun:
The nearly simultaneous purchase of a good or asset in one market where the price is low, and sale of the same good or asset in another market where the price is higher.
deciduous South African tree having large odd-pinnate leaves and profuse fragrant orange-yellow flowers; yields a red juice and heavy strong durable wood [syn: bloodwood tree]
–noun Electronics, Optics.
a device similar to radar in principle and operation but using infrared laser light instead of radio waves and capable of detecting particles and varying physical conditions in the atmosphere.
–noun a thread made by North American Indians from the divided roots of certain conifers and used in weaving and sewing.
"Allodial" A term relating to land titles which implies that the title is absolutely inalienable and subject to no taxes liens or other impediments. It cannot be taken or resumed by any other body, state or person by Law, usually only Government Land is under an Allodial Title.
verb, japed, jap⋅ing, noun
–verb (used without object) jest; joke; gibe.
–verb (used with object) mock or make fun of.
–noun 3.a joke; jest; quip.4.a trick or practical joke.