NJROTC Problem


New Member
There is a big problem in My NJROTC unit, it seems that our entire cadet staff is leaving for some other class, as a chief petty officer and next in line for Administrative officer, the Lake Howell Florida competition in 2 WEEKS! What should our unit do?
If you need lots of senior NCO's, (I'm not sure if you can do this with the JROTC, but we do it with the RCACS with CIC officers), but you could get ahold of other units, and have them loan you senior NCO's, if your lack of cadet staff affects the training of your unit.
Get new chiefs and officers. Get them fast. Get your best POs promoted. Give them a crash course in NCO-ship/officership and work from there.
c/LtCdr said:
Get new chiefs and officers. Get them fast. Get your best POs promoted. Give them a crash course in NCO-ship/officership and work from there.

Actually, in reality that seems logical, but it's not a very good idea. It creates frustration, and in staff positions and leadership positions, frustration isn't good. Also, no one can really tell them how to do the job, it all depends on their leadership. The hard parts comes in when they don't know what they are doing.
You could probably handle it alone. Last year our unit was created. Last year was the first year. This mean Juniors would have to have speed-promotions to gain a quick rank to Officers so there would be leaders for the new cadets. So, every few weeks there was a new way for promotions. Some were spit shining shoes, then marching, then etc. Finally, to become an officer you had to attend "leadership" camp and we had a bunch of officers running around. I'm sure by half way through the year you can find people who will run things smoothly and effectively.

By the by, what could they possibly be giving up NJROTC for?!
Actually my method worked pretty well for my unit...however I'd make one or two changes if possible. Everyone with leadership training that is a CPO or above, bump them to officer ranks. Everyone with leadership training that is a PO1 to PO3, bump them to Chief ranks. Everyone who might show leadership, give them a trial for Petty Officer...if it works out, great, if not, give another person a chance.
In our school (a NJROTC program) it is generally suggested that you are offered whether you wish to rise to Chief ranks or Officer ranks. It is up to you. If you wish to rise to Chief ranks, you are promoted when you are up to par with that promotion. If you wish to become an Officer, you must be given a longer period of time to be promoted. But it is completely your option to go to Cheif or Officer. No Chiefs are Chiefs without beign asked if they want to be there.