

Just a question.................

I think for warning sake for bad things that can happen just things like that maybe there could be an advice forum???

Could you tell us a little more about your idea? I'm a little unclear on what you're talking about, is it an advice forum for the prevention of those things or for current victims to get advice concerning the aftermath?

How bout a forum with threads on maybe advice from people that have had things happen like house fires or mugging's etc.........maybe people might come forward who have had worse done to them and could give advice on what they thought best of dealing with that event.

Or people can leave messages with address's or phone numbers on from helplines that could give advice?

I find that some people come on the internet to get away from every day life and reality some of those people may need help but can't not ask for in this case would it be a good idea if something was here that they could read through, might help them?
You are free to post links and info like that in the General chit chat forum if you want to, and there are several other sites/forums about those subjects out the already so I don't think I'll add a forum for that just yet...
(don't want to have too many forums in here...)