Man I tell you what we done gone an' dang ole' done it man!

silent driller

Active member
We pulled it off! Our exhibition drill team made its debut in front of the entire school today and did absolutely fantastic! I could not believe how well they did and I feel like the entire world needs to know about it!
Our drill team has a nice balance of of Senior NCOs, Junior NCOs and cadets. I was the commander, but I passed it on to the 2IC, since running the squadron, trying to keep up in school and applying for a powered aircraft scholarship is way too much to handle.
I'm sure if I look hard enough, I can find some. If I find it where I think I'll find it, there is a joint drill team/ color guard performance also.
When ever I see the title for this topic, it always reminds me of Boomhower from King of the Hill haha.