Issue vs Issues


Most Presidents get hammered over a single issue or one issue at a time with OBAMA its a deluge of issues so many issues that the people become shell shocked , the latest being amnesty by executive order which of course can be overturned by the next Presidents executive order but where is this getting us ? besides confusion .:?
Most Presidents get hammered over a single issue or one issue at a time with OBAMA its a deluge of issues so many issues that the people become shell shocked , the latest being amnesty by executive order which of course can be overturned by the next Presidents executive order but where is this getting us ? besides confusion .:?

I'm not confused about any of the issues at hand concerning President Obama. Where are all of these shell shocked people? The Far Right, or Tea Party keeps attacking him from all angles. It does not seem to matter what subject it is. They have wanted him out since the day he was elected. They, the Far Right had a meeting in a hotel ( forgive me the name, it's late) that very night to lay their plan on how they weren't going to let ANY of his ideas; laws come to see the light of other words, to make or see him fail. This is the gospel truth. Haven't seen many laws passed, have you? Remember even Decorated war veteran Bob Dole was there to shake hands ( In a wheelchair no less) to help the vet's bill along... The bill went south. What a damn shame. No wonder Congress' approval rating is at a an all time low.
Anyway, WE must vote in for the best candidates ...for US. That's why I personally research them & actually vote. Since I was of age.