How good are your observation skills?

A Can of Man

Je suis aware
Scenario: You are looking at a TV screen that is connected to a CCTV in the security room of a small military base on the outskirts of a city. In the security room, your task is to try to pick out individuals who may do something out of the ordinary, possibly before it happens. Watch the video and see if you can spot the individual or individuals who will try to do something that may be suspicious.

NOTE: Try your best to ignore the title as it'll somewhat give it away.
That's like a bad nightmare right there.....stuck in a musical and you're the only one who doesn't know the words or the dance steps. LOL :p
No, I got a link from someone else and I thought it was amusing but I guess it doesn't dawn on folks at just how ordinary those dancers seemed.
But what if they weren't dancers but were an armed crowd gathering in front of a square? Would you notice?
Forget it...
No it hit me. I thought it was funny. A bit odd, but funny. Like I said, it's like being the only one in the crowd that doesn't know the steps and words. I was wondering if it was a theater group or something that goes out and performs on the streets?
13, a well-trained and suitably armed group could do immense damage to a community. Sad part is, IF they are properly trained, will we know until it's too late?
Considering I could see almost nothing with that video quality it was rather hard to identify who was going to join. lol.