Error messages in the forum...


The fire is everything
Staff member
I'm getting error messages for every second page I try to view in the forum now..

Anyone else seeing this??

I've contacted the webhosting support about it now, so I hope to get it fixed soon..
Redleg said:
I'm getting error messages for every second page I try to view in the forum now..

Anyone else seeing this??

I've contacted the webhosting support about it now, so I hope to get it fixed soon..

No, but certain forums like "military related discussions" are getting things like "internal server error..."
It's really annoying, since I got a couple of highscores in the arcade that won't show up... :lol:

Looks better now, I hope it's gone soon.. :?
Should be ok now.. (I hope)

I've spoken with my webhost, and they have done a security upgrade on the server, so I had to change several of the forum permissions in order to get it working again..

One of them does unfortunately not allow you to upload your own avatars anymore.
I hope to get this fixed soon.
Ah-ha---ignore my PM then. I was wondering why my avatar disappeared. After all the hassle I went through to load it, LOL.