Easiest way to make 200 $ ?

BT eh? them damn randy engineers :lol:
for 8400 you would want..... damn, he must have been really desparate and must have caught the train back to his mums place where he lives in the basement.

wow, what a live achievment on his behalf
most likely
they should have hooked up at a D&D ball, much cheaper morally and cash-istically
ah bless but maybe they found real love with each other and now there moving in together and having 2.5 children and living happily ever after :) we need a story update to find out what happened
as he was an engineer, she had such a bad experience that she took a vow of celibacy, dropped out of uni and joined a convent, swearing never to have straight sex again

reading the article, the way she describes it almost sounds like it was paid rape, how she described it is not normal, to say the least. oh and he had two kids, so he couldn't have been a virign, not unless his wife was as loose as he is
I think I'm picking the fruitpicking one, or the gigolo. Uhm and nope, I don't think I could ever do the virginity sale... :oops:

