Did the Soviets win the SPACE RACE?

Who has a fleet of Space Shuttles, the only astronautical vehicle capable of carrying massive payloads over and over and over...

I think both have had a major impact on each other and the advancement of human kind...
Ender's Game and the other Battle School books like Ender's Shadow and Shadow of the Hegemon were great. I never could get into the ones that follow Ender after the war with the buggers, though.

Starship Troopers is a must-read, it laid the groundwork for almost all the power armor you see in sci-fi games and movies these days. I wish the movie hadn't twisted Heinlein's work into satire. They changed almost everything.
Haven't they already made a movie for Starship Troopers? Once you see the movie and know the story and the ending, it's just kinda hard to go back to the pages.


-- Ahh, dang it, the rocket launcher didn't work! Where's the Raid when you really need it? :)
I don't ever remember seeing "Starship Troopers" or any of this other crap in the Space Race, were they American or Russian?
Here's the bottom line the USSR was first in space, the USA was first to land on the moon, dunno if Skylab was joint or not, but I was always told it was strictly American.
The USA has the only space fleet that I know of, BUT, it needs to be replaced according to NASA
Who will reach Mars first? beats me, I'll probably be dead by then so somebody let me know after we meet up in teh afterlife LOL.
But in the mean time if we ever do a Star Trek or Enterprise in my lifetime, I'm sooo there
My guess is the first ones to reach Mars with a manned mission will be either NASA or a joint effort between the ESA and Russian space program. I think the highest priority for the Chinese is building their proposed moon base.

Lunatik, even if you've seen the movie you have to read Starship Troopers. The movie presents almost the opposite message of Heinlein's book. In fact it has little in common with the book other than the names. For one, the bugs have good enough technology to build spacecraft and they're sentient. Also the mobile infantry is crazy powerful, with power armor that could leap across a city in a single rocket-assisted bound, launches nuclear missiles, and is basically impervious to small arms.
My vote: the Soviets/Russians.

The fact that the Americans made it to the moon first and confirmed it wasn't made of cheese just killed it for me. :D
It ain't made of cheese? Great, now what am I supposed to do with this 5 ton block of summer sausage, and 3 tons or crackers?
Africa has some of the most fertile soil in the world.

Escape Earth before another mass extinction. That's something everyone can support. :)
I wouldn't say the Soviets won the space race, I think them being involved created a healthy competition to make our folks work harder at it though and we may not be as far along as we are in it now if it hadn't been for the commies, perhaps.
Aiki, I think something's wrong with your avatar. Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't seem to show properly.
Naaaa, better idea, force the govts over there to actually give out the aid the rest of the world sends them and help their people instead of getting fat while their people starve to death.