'Dangerous Thinking'

Team Infidel

Forum Spin Doctor
USA Today
May 1, 2008
Pg. 12
Opposing view
Best way to reduce U.S. costs is to stabilize Iraq, raise our oil output.
By Samir Sumaida'ie
The Iraqi government understands its responsibilities. We have already taken over practically all costs associated with our security forces and reconstruction by the American government.
But some people are going a little bit too far looking at the Iraqi surplus and the gigantic American deficit and putting two and two together and saying, "Let's fix one with the other." This is dangerous thinking.
Iraq is a completely devastated country. The windfall from the oil will not cover a fraction of what we need to provide clean water, electricity and the most rudimentary services for our people.
We have an oil industry that is running on shoestrings — on ancient equipment and the ingenuity of Iraqi engineers. We need to build refineries and much more. These large projects will require many times the amount of the funds we have.
As for Iraq providing fuel for the American troops, consider this: Iraq does not now have enough refined products for its own consumption. We import gasoline. Is the suggestion that we should also import fuel for the needs of the American forces? If we're covering the cost of gas, why not ammunition and other equipment?
The American and other forces in Iraq are there at their own initiative. As such, the countries that have sent their troops should be responsible for their upkeep.
There are proposals in Congress to convert the money that comes to Iraq into loans. Any conversion of spending to loans should be done by negotiation between Iraq and the United States, not by legislation in Congress. And Iraqis should have some control over how to spend the money.
Because of the challenges to the Iraqi economy, Iraq spends most of its budget on salaries. We also provide economic security to the Iraqi people — a food basket to support the poor, for example. This year, the government is trying to put as much money as possible into the provinces, in small projects that will create work, create employment and improve the security situation.
Iraq descended into economic ruin during the Saddam Hussein period, during the sanctions and now during the violence in the five years after Saddam was removed. We have done a very good job of managing our financial affairs. We want to kick-start the economy, but for that we have to have a solid foundation.
The best way to reduce costs to the United States is to help stabilize Iraq and get it to produce more oil. That will reduce military spending and oil prices, and the price of gas at the pumps.
Samir Sumaida'ie is the Iraqi ambassador to the United States.