Chad in 'state of war' with Sudan


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Source:BBC News

Chad in 'state of war' with Sudan


Chad says it is in "a state of war" with neighbour Sudan over the security crisis in the east of the country.

It accuses Sudan of being the "common enemy of the nation" after a Chadian rebel attack on a town last week.

In a statement, the government calls on Chadians to mobilise themselves against Sudanese aggression.

Relations between the two states have deteriorated since Chad accused Sudan of being behind Sunday's attack on Adre, which left about 100 people dead.

The strong language in the statement will alarm observers who have already warned that tensions along the Chad-Sudan border are nearing breaking point.

'Patriotic front'
In the aftermath of Sunday's attack, Chad accused Sudan of being directly involved in helping to support the Chadian rebels.

But the statement issued by Chad's government on Friday afternoon is the most aggressive yet.

It claims that not only was Sudan behind the attack on Adre, but it also accuses Sudanese militia of making daily incursions into Chad, stealing cattle, killing innocent people and burning villages on the Chadian border.
"Chad is today in a state of war with Sudan," the statement says.
It asks Chadians to form a patriotic front against what it calls "the common enemy of the nation".

The statement thanks the international community for its support so far, but says condemnations of the recent violence in Adre do not go far enough.

It appeals to the international community, including the African Union, to specifically condemn what it alleges is Sudan's involvement in the attack on Adre.

Since the UN has done nothing of substance to stop the slaughter of Christians by Muslim militias since 1954 (about 2 million dead over that time period), maybe the Chadanians will put a stop to it. I doubt it, but one could hope.
it really bothers me to hear such news... war in our time and nobody is doing nothing about it.

It cant be true that nobody is going to try to stop it!?

I mean there got to be something, will they(who ever they are) going to let those nations fight???

This Civil war In sudan needs to be stopped ......[SIZE=-1] Chad is providing shelter to approximately [/SIZE]213,000[SIZE=-1] refugees of Sudan’s Darfur crisis .......... war with Sudan could Worsen the Situation for those Refugees as well .

And i don't think Chad which has a Millitary less than 26,000 Solders will be able to handle some [/SIZE]100,000 Sudan People’s Armed Forces , supported by a small air force and navy plus Irregular tribal and militias

Only thing on Chad's Side is that They have a very Good relations with USA and France ........... and the US Department of State Website Describes them as a Ally in War against terror .

[SIZE=-1] Peace
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Simply answer. Arm the Christians that are being killed by the Muslim militias. When the Muslims Militia's victims suddenly fight back and gives those scumbags a taste of their own medicine. The fighting will stop.

A armed society is a polite society.

It's that simple.
And i don't think Chad which has a Millitary less than 26,000 Solders will be able to handle some 100,000 Sudan People’s Armed Forces , supported by a small air force and navy plus Irregular tribal and militias

It's not always about the numbers, after all Chad did take over Lybia's Largest Airbase, and wipe out a pretty good size of its Air Force, all with only Toyota Pickups and small arms.

UN should go in and resolve the problem.

They ARE there, and doing their usual fine job.

It cant be true that nobody is going to try to stop it!?

One word: RWANDA

The UN is the biggest joke ever pulled the people of the world. The bulk of their time is spent passing resolutions condeming Isreal for this or that, condeming the US for doing the work that was Mandated by the UN, and providing support for for "peaceful" orginazations such as the PLO, and people like Robert Mugabe. In their spare time, them orginize "Peacekeeping" missions that amout to either Armies standing around and watching the natives slaughter each other, or blowing off steam by raping the local population of children.

It hurts me to my very soul to say that when it comes to Africa, nobody really cares. And at some level, I don't blame them. Pretty much every nation in Africa has followed the same pattern:

1. Gain independence from a European power (or change from a white led government to a black).
2. A despot rises to power.
3. Treasury gets emptied out.
4. Wholesale killing.
5. No more food because the farmers are dead, or have had their land taken away.
6. The killing roadshow moves to neighboring countries.
7. Demands for aid are made to the UN.
8. If some Europeans gets killed (like Nuns), some enraged European Nation goes in to end the killing.
9. Back to #4.

Africa's situation is a direct result of "Wise old Europe". Africa's problems are a direct result of the UN.
given the pattern previously suggested, it's likely. However, remember that Chad has the lowest GDP of any country in the world, and probably wouldn't sustain a war machine for long. My guess is, it starts strong, then degenerates into the kind of common thuggery we've seen in past modern African conflicts. Sad, of course, but unfortunately true. You can't help but feel sorry for people caught in the crossfire.

And like most other African systems, removing one ruler just provides space for another, and the people of the country are even more screwed over. Africa's history of warfare hasn't been too successful since Suliman II.
The cycle of wars in Africe have been endless and continuing.

The UN has managed to accomplish zip point nothing in all of it's vociferous condemnation of whatever group is presently in power. Like a paper tiger, the only thing that the UN has accomplished, has been done by an endless cycle of waiting until citizens from a major power are slaughtered and then passing endless mandates that have no hope of resolving the underlying problem that exists in a country that can no longer offer their citizens the means of making a living.

Of course, the ruling party gets rich from the fat of the land and makes the problem even worse by attacking the party they just overthrew (in the process killing off another slice of their citizens that had no part in the initial conflict) and further drains the land of any possibility of recovery.

Th UN in it's incompetence, decries the loss of life and starts the cycle all over again (thus perpetuating the endless cycle of death and destruction all over again).

The UN then compounds the problem by getting member countries to throw money at the problem hoping they will be able to help the suffering masses with absolutely no hope of getting the aid where it's most needed.

The only thing that IS accomplished by the UN is to make it possible for those that are in power to confiscate any aid and get even richer at the expense of their citizens until the cycle repeats itself.
Precisely, Chief. Africa in itself is a massively rich continent. Everything of value is under the soil in the form of precious minerals. Hence a goodly portion of quarrelling over said minerals and therefore the right to power.
I will throw in a couple of movie quotes and then say my two cents.

It's Africa, nobody cares about Africa.
- Sahara
Hans Blix: Mr. Il, I was supposed to be allowed to inspect your palace today, but your guards won't let me enter certain areas.
Kim Jong Il: Hans, Hans, Hans! We've been frew this a dozen times. I don't have any weapons of mass destwuction, OK Hans?
Hans Blix: Then let me look around, so I can ease the UN's collective mind. I'm sorry, but the UN must be firm with you. Let me in, or else.
Kim Jung Il: Or else what?
Hans Blix: Or else we will be very angry with you... and we will write you a letter, telling you how angry we are.
- Team America World Police

Personally, I just think the UN has proven itself.... worth less than it should be, it was set up, not only to prevent another world war but to also prevent another genocide. It appears they intend to prevent war through appeasement and by "genocide" they meant "The Holocaust" not just any acts of genocide.