Active member
I need this for a project...
I need to know info about pop. of different CADET organizations
they DON'T need to be in the US
I just need data to compare, and even the data for CAP is hard to find if you do not know where to look. So i need just some basic numbers
You might get farther if, A) you hadn't already posted about this about CAP, b) you explained what you wanted a little more, and c) Ifyou already did research on it.

Try the above first, and read your PMs.
drilldownmaster2004 said:
Common people. give me your data

What's this supposed to mean? :?

As well, I agree with Crazy. Do some more research. You might find what your really looking for on some websites.
well the only high number like that i know of is 380,000 members overall, but thats since the beggining in 1942
The Canadian cadet website is there's information there n rank structure, training, the different units across the country. A great website overall, very informative. I think there's also a section for all the summer camps
I don't think that the numbers are posted anywhere on It is a good site for getting stuff like CTPs, and MLPs.