Bush In India


Rabs said:
I think bush is sexy in general

No matter how hard you try i refuse to comment on what Turkye's and Water Buffalows think about Bush :santa::p

zander_0633 said:
Well, in the religion of Hinduism, one of their gods is a cow! So they do not disturb or kill a cow in India!

I know i am a Hindu :) ....... Hindus do not worship the cow, a common misconception .......Though the cow is held sacred to the Hindus, it is not exactly worshipped as a deity ................ The cow represents the giving nature of life to every Hindu ......... It's just like Honoring this gentle animal, who gives more than she takes .

Not Just Cow Hindus regard all living- creatures as sacred be It human being or a Animal ......... Cow has a Special place but we do not worship her in the sense that we worship the Deity.

One Possibly reason for this is because the largely Vedic people and subsequent generations relied so heavily on the cow for dairy products, tilling of fields , fertilizer ( Cow Dung ) , The cow-dung is an efficacious disinfectant and often used as fuel in lieu of firewood ,.... that its status as a Caretaker led to identifying it as an almost maternal figure (so the term gau mata Meaning Mother Cow Just as Mother Earth ) .

While most Hindus do not worship the cow it still holds an honored place in Hindu society.......

It's same as the sheep is to Christianity, the cow is to Hinduism.


MightyMacbeth said:
wait wait, so you wear something over ur head correct? :)

Neya can't find anythign there apart from that Fluffy thing we call hair .:mrgreen:

Well, you mean like those Singhs? Those are a diffrent religion! You ever watch the advertisment of the VISA card in India where the girl said she wants to buy two birds for her brother? Those men you see wearing Turbans are all by the religion of Sikisium. There religion forbide them to cut their hair!

In my country, those guys get special treatment!! They do not need to wear a helmet when on a Motorcycle! For those who are in the Army, no helmets for them!!

zander_0633 said:
Well, you mean like those Singhs? Those are a diffrent religion! You ever watch the advertisment of the VISA card in India where the girl said she wants to buy two birds for her brother? Those men you see wearing Turbans are all by the religion of Sikisium. There religion forbide them to cut their hair!

In my country, those guys get special treatment!! They do not need to wear a helmet when on a Motorcycle! For those who are in the Army, no helmets for them!!
Zander is Somewhat right ....... Sikhism was a Army Set Up to Fight the Muslim Invaders ....... to Differianiate them from other People as well as the Enemy they were Given 5 Indentification .......... The 5 Ks are 5 physical symbols worn by Sikhs

The five Ks are
  • Kesh (uncut hair)
  • Kara (a steel bracelet)
  • Kanga (a wooden comb)
  • Kaccha - also spelt, Kachh, Kachera (cotton underwear)
  • Kirpan (steel sword)
They are not exactly a Different Religion ..

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