Army Rangers and their ages


Active member
Hello all!

Just curious here . . . but is it unheard of for someone to go through and obtain their Ranger Tab after the age of 25? I know most of them start working for it around 19 but is it frowned upon to work on it so late?
A 25 year old attending Ranger school is not uncommon at all, in fact, neither is a 30 year old.

If you are asking about Rangers specifically (Those assigned to the 75th Ranger Regt), then most attempt to earn their tab by E-4 (within 6 mons to 2 years of being assigned to the Regt.). The Ranger Regt will not send Rangers to Ranger school upon immediate assignment to batt. It is safe to say that most of those are between 18 -20 years of age. However, it all depends on when you join the Regt. not your age.

E-5's and up that wish to become Rangers must have already attended Ranger School and obtained their tabs.
That said, I know older (25+) go through it. I'm not sure how much tougher it makes it. What you may lack in the ability to recover, you likely gain in experience. Of course, just a guess. I was enver a tabbie.