All Big Posts are FORBIDDEN


Active member
Hello, I've just moved. As a result, the public library is my only access to the Internet. For some reason, I can post small replies, but for all lengthy replies I get a "Forbidden" warning. Ordinarily, I'd just download, install and update Mozilla Firefox and be done with it. Unfortunately, that's not an option for me here.

The tech here says, "It must be a PHP problem on their end." My thought is that he's full of crap, but what can I do? I'm trying to post in this thread:
Off topic posts have been removed. This forum is for questions and suggestions .... we do not need comments from the peanut gallery in every thread. If you have no assitance to offer... keep your finger off of the reply button.

How long are the replies you are attempting to post? 10000 characters is the maximum per post.
It comes out to 4 pages in Word looks like. 9127 characters without spaces. 11169 with. But that still doesn't explain it because I couldn't get it to go through paragraph by paragraph.

I think that the firewall and security at this location is creating at least part of the problem.
godofthunder9010 said:
It comes out to 4 pages in Word looks like. 9127 characters without spaces. 11169 with. But that still doesn't explain it because I couldn't get it to go through paragraph by paragraph.

The spaces counts as characters as well, so that may be the problem.
Try to break it up and double-post it (yes, I'm allowing you to do it this one time....)
Redleg said:
The spaces counts as characters as well, so that may be the problem.
Try to break it up and double-post it (yes, I'm allowing you to do it this one time....)

Tried it repeatedly with no success. Hey, since you have my post in the email, you're 100% welcome to your Modly, Godly, Admin powers and stick it in. at this point I feel like I'm
Check out my reply above yours, and you'll see that it's the 10,000 char max limit that's the problem.
I don't want to raise that limit right now....
I have an idea, G.O.T. why dont you give me some of your post in a PM and Ill post it for you? Would that work...I could just quote you....
Ah, back from the weekend. Redleg, I know you think that it's the 10,000 character limit, but it's not. I've tried posting it one paragraph per post with no success. Didn't get a chance to clarify it for you before the weekend. I'd actually already tried all of that before creating this thread to begin with. It really and truly does not want to let me get past one specific paragraph. Goofy, goofy, goofy!!

Hey Henderson, if you wanna post the whole thing of mine and just stick it in the quotes box, that'd be fine. I'd have to email it to you (since the PHP filter will keep it from going through on this site) ... which means I'd need an email address. PM me with whatever email addy you want me to send it to.
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