100,000 pushups Hoorah!


New Member
mission: complete 100,000 push ups in support of the Military

+ 87

total - 87
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I did:
3 sets of 8 regular = 24
3 sets of 4 close hand = 12
3 sets of 4 wide arm = 12
for a total of 48 this morning...
what are current US army/Navy serious one-handed PT stats?

At my age I can still do some, but then, I only weigh 59 kgs at 1.73 mtrs... (green, waterproof and underweight our units motto :pirate2:)

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You scrawny bastard.

I wasn't aware of this thread!! I've done quite a few pushups over the past few weeks and I totally missed this! Arrgh!
Having said that I think this is a pretty neat idea.
618 Pushups So Far

If my count is correct, we had 463. I did 155 yesterday, which brings us to a total of 618. (I only counted the ones people said they already completed).

btw, I have 299 of the 618... come on guys, I'm sure you are doing them. Just post what you're already doing! :)
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Yeah, you should at least guestimate how many you did. If you think you did 150, you could always cut the number down to what you know you did. :thumb:
1,008 Pushups to Date

I've completed approximately 250 since my last post.

That gives us a total of 1,008 pushups reported to date.